Deposit Collection Principle


A contract where fund is deposited with Banks by the depositors with clear permission to utilize/invest the fund is called Al-Wadiah. Al-Wadiah Depositors do not share any profit or loss earned/incurred out of using of this funds by the Bank. Islamic banks receive deposits in Current Accounts on the basis of this Al-Wadiah Principle.


Mudarabah is partnership in profit whereby one party provides capital, called ‘Rab al-Mal’ and the other party provides labour, known as ‘Mudarib’ for the purpose of doing Shari’ah permissible trade and commerce. Under Mudarabah principle, the profit generated is shared as per predetermined ratio between the `Rab al-Mal’ and the `Mudarib. In case of loss, the `Rab al-Mal’ bears the entire amount of loss.

1. Al-Wadiah Current Account


Eligibility/Target Customer A citizen/resident of Bangladesh having sound mind with minimum 18 years of age and Corporates like registered Companies, Clubs/Societies/NGOs/Charitable Organizations, Proprietorship and Partnership Firms etc.
Nature of Account Demand Deposit
Minimum Deposit requirement BDT 1,000 for Metro/Urban area and BDT 500 for Semi-Urban/Rural area.
Income Sharing Ratio Depositors will neither share Income nor bear Loss.
Tax, VAT and Excise Duty, etc. Will be deducted from depositor’s account as per rules of National Board of Revenue (NBR).
2. Meghna Islamic Business Plus Account


Introduction Meghna Islamic Business Plus Account (MIBPA) is a special account for non-individual customers, combined between Al-Wadiah current account and Mudarabah SND account, tagged with Sweep-in and Sweep-out facility in which Al-Wadiah current account will be conducted based on Al-Wadiah principle of Islamic Shariah and Mudarabah SND account will be conducted based on Mudarabah principle of Islamic Shariah.
Eligibility Any legal non-individual entity except Sole Proprietorship / Partnership Firms
Nature of Account Demand Account
  • Daily profit bearing
  • Quarterly profit payable
  • No intercity charge
  • 50% waiver on Pay Order Issuance fee
Individual/Joint Applicant Option The account can be opened singly/jointly by non-individuals only
Minimum Amount for Opening Account BDT 1,000 (as per BRPD Master Circular 11/June 10, 2021)
Income Sharing Ratio Income Sharing Ratio to be fixed by ALCO from time to time.
3. Meghna Islamic Supreme Account


Introduction MEGHNA ISLAMIC SUPREME ACCOUNT (MISA) is a special account for non-individual corporate banking customers, combined between Al-Wadiah current account and Mudarabah SND account, tagged with Sweep-in and Sweep-out facility in which Al-Wadiah current account will be conducted based on Al-Wadiah principle of Islamic Shariah and Mudarabah SND account will be conducted based on Mudarabah principle of Islamic Shariah.
Eligibility Any legal non-individual entity except Sole Proprietorship / Partnership Firms
Nature of Account Demand Account
  • Daily profit bearing
  • Half yearly profit payable
Minimum Amount for Opening Account BDT 1,000 (as per BRPD Master Circular 11/June 10, 2021)
Income Sharing Ratio Income Sharing Ratio to be fixed by ALCO from time to time as slab basis.
Profit Calculation Method Profit will be calculated/accrued daily basis on end of day balance of the linked MSND account and will be booked on monthly basis, and will be credited to the linked MSND account on half yearly basis.
4. Meghna Islamic Supreme Plus Account


Introduction MEGHNA ISLAMIC SUPREME PLUS ACCOUNT (MISPA) is a special account for non-individual corporate banking customers, combined between Al-Wadiah current account and Mudarabah SND account, tagged with Sweep-in and Sweep-out facility in which Al-Wadiah current account will be conducted based on Al-Wadiah principle of Islamic Shariah and Mudarabah SND account will be conducted based on Mudarabah principle of Islamic Shariah.
Eligibility Any legal non-individual entity except Sole Proprietorship / Partnership Firms
Nature of Account Demand Account
  • Daily profit bearing
  • Half yearly profit payable
  • Corporate Internet Banking Facility
Minimum Amount for Opening Account BDT 1,000 (as per BRPD Master Circular 11/June 10, 2021)
Profit Calculation Method Profit will be calculated/accrued daily basis on end of day balance of the linked MSND account and will be booked on monthly basis, and will be credited to the linked MSND account on half yearly basis.
Income Sharing Ratio Income Sharing Ratio to be fixed by ALCO from time to time.
5. Al-Wadiah Global FC Current Account


Introduction Al-Wadiah Global FC Current Account is a Foreign Currency transactional account, based on Al-Wadiah principle of Islamic Shariah, which can be opened in USD/GBP/Euro/Yen without restriction on transaction frequency.
Eligibility a. Bangladesh nationals residing abroad b. Foreign nationals residing abroad or in Bangladesh c. Foreign firms registered abroad and operating in Bangladesh or abroad d. Foreign missions and their expatriate employees. e. Age should be 18+
Nature of Account Demand Account
Minimum Amount for Opening Account USD 500 or equivalent GBP/EURO/YEN
Individual/Joint Applicant Option Customer can open joint account with another NRB (preferably close relative). KYC to be confirmed for each individual.
Income Sharing Ratio Not Applicable, As it is a non-profit bearing account.
6. Mudarabah Short Notice Deposit Account


Eligibility/Target Customer
  • Citizen/Resident of Bangladesh
  • Age minimum 18 years
  • Proprietorship, Partnership Firms, NGOs, Corporate Companies etc.
Nature of Account Demand Deposit
Minimum Deposit requirement BDT 1,000 (as per BRPD Master Circular 11/June 10, 2021)
Notice Period At least one working day prior notice is required for withdrawal above BDT 10 Lac. / any deposit
Income Sharing Ratio Depositor 45 : Bank 55 (Changeable depending on investment income generation)
7. Mudarabah Savings Account


Eligibility/Target Customer
  • Citizen/Resident of Bangladesh
  • Age minimum 18 years
  • Minor can be a joint account holder, where First Account Holder (parent/ guardian) must be an adult.
  • Proprietorship, Partnership Firms, NGOs, Corporate Companies etc.
Nature of Account Demand Deposit
Minimum Deposit requirement BDT 1,000 for Metro/Urban area and BDT 500 for Semi-Urban/Rural area
Income Sharing Ratio Depositor 50 : Bank 50
8. Mudarabah Payroll Account


Introduction Mudarabah Payroll Account (MPA) is daily profit bearing and half yearly profit paying account for Bangladeshi Citizens.
Eligibility Bangladeshi Citizen of 18 years and above.
Nature of Account Demand Account
  • Daily profit bearing
  • Half yearly profit payment
  • No minimum balance for profit
  • Free first check book with 10 pages
Minimum Amount for Opening Account  BDT 500 (as per BRPD Master Circular 11/June 10, 2021)
Individual/Joint Applicant Option The account can be opened salaried person singly.
Income Sharing Ratio  Income Sharing Ratio to be fixed by ALCO from time to time.
Account Introduction Account must be introduced by HR department of the respective company
9. Mudarabah RFC Savings Account


Introduction Mudarabah RFC Savings Account is a profit bearing account which can be opened within 30 days of return from overseas with the funds brought in from abroad.
  • Any Resident Bangladeshi
  • Age should be 18+
Nature of Account Demand Account
  • Daily profit bearing
  • Half yearly profit payable
  • Account can be opened in USD & GBP or any other currency approved by Bangladesh Bank
  • Balance of the account is freely remittable
Minimum Amount for Opening Account USD 500 or GBP 250 
Individual/Joint Applicant Option The account can be opened individually only
Income Sharing Ratio Income Sharing Ratio to be fixed by ALCO from time to time by treasury & IBD
10. Mudarabah Fast Remit Savings Account


Introduction Mudarabah Fast Remit Savings account is a daily Profit bearing and monthly Profit paying account for the families of NRBs, based on Mudarabah principle of Islamic Shari`ah.
  • Any beneficiaries who are 18 years of old and receive money from abroad are eligible to have this account.
  • The NRB should have legal resident / work permit.
Nature of Account Demand Account
  • Daily profit bearing
  • Monthly profit payable
Minimum Amount for Opening Account BDT 500/- (as per BRPD Master Circular 11/June 10, 2021)
Minimum balance for Profit Eligibility BDT 10,000/-
Individual/Joint Applicant Option The NRB (non-resident) person can open joint account with the beneficiary (resident) either being the singly or jointly.
Income Sharing Ratio Income Sharing Ratio to be fixed by ALCO from time to time.
11. Mudarabah Fifty Plus Savings Account


Introduction Mudarabah Fifty Plus Savings Account is a daily profit bearing and monthly profit paying account for 50+ aged population of Bangladeshi Citizens based on Mudarabah principle of Islamic Shariah.
Eligibility Bangladeshi Citizen of Age 50 years and above.
Nature of Account Demand Account
  • Daily Profit bearing
  • Monthly Profit Payment
  • Free Debit Card
  • 50% discount on locker
  • No additional statement charges
Minimum Amount for Opening Account BDT 500 (as per BRPD Master Circular 11/June 10, 2021)
Individual/Joint Applicant Option The account can be opened individually/jointly.
Income Sharing Ratio Income Sharing Ratio to be fixed by ALCO from time to time.
12. Mudarabah Youngster Savings Account


Introduction Mudarabah Youngster Savings Account is a daily profit bearing and half yearly profit paying savings account for any Bangladeshi Students aged below 18 years, based on Mudarabah principle of Islamic Shariah.
  • Any Bangladeshi Student (resident)
  • Aged below 18 years
Nature of Account Demand Account
Profit Calculation Method Profit will be calculated/accrued daily basis and will be booked on monthly basis and will be credited to the customer accounts on half yearly basis.
Conversion Accountholder and Parent will be invited to convert the account with updated photographs and signature upon the student reaching 18 years of age;
Minimum Amount for Opening Account Tk. 100/- (can be changed as per Bangladesh Bank guidelines)
Individual/Joint Applicant Option The account can only be opened jointly with Parents /Legal Guardian.
Income Sharing Ratio Income Sharing Ratio to be fixed by ALCO from time to time.
13. Mudarabah Youngster Plus Savings Account


Introduction Mudarabah Youngster Plus Savings Account is a daily profit bearing and half yearly profit paying savings account for any Bangladeshi Students aged between 18-25 years, based on Mudarabah principle of Islamic Shariah.
  • Any Bangladeshi Student (resident)
  • Aged between 18-25 years
Nature of Account Demand Account
  • Higher profit
  • No minimum balance requirement
  • Waiver on debit card (as per Serial Number 21)
  • Highest balance capped
Minimum Amount for Opening Account Tk. 500/- (can be changed as per Bangladesh Bank guidelines)
Maximum balance BDT 20,00,000/-
Individual/Joint Applicant Option The account can only be opened singly by student or jointly with parents/legal guardian.
Income Sharing Ratio Income Sharing Ratio to be fixed by ALCO from time to time.
14. Mudarabah Term Deposit


Eligibility/Target Customer
  • Citizen/Resident of Bangladesh
  • Age minimum 18 years
  • MTD Account may be opened on behalf of a minor by his/her natural/legal guardian.
  • Corporate organizations like private and public limited companies, Government Institutions, Proprietorship & Partnership Firms, NGOs, School, College, Madrasha, Masjid, Association, Trust, Societies etc.
Nature of Account Time Deposit
Auto Renewal Upon maturity, the MTD may be auto renewed with/without profit amount.
Tenor 1 month, 3 Months, 6 Months, 1 Year, 2 years and 3 years , 91 Days, 100 Days, 181 Days, 200 Days and 300 Days
Minimum Amount of Deposit BDT 10,000/-
Income Sharing Ratio Different ISR rate depends on deposit amount & tenor
15. Mudarabah Monthly Profit Scheme


Eligibility/Target Customer
  • Citizen/Resident of Bangladesh
  • Age minimum 18 years
  • Minor can be a joint account holder, where First Account Holder (parent/ guardian) must be an adult.
Nature of Account Time Deposit
Linked Account Mandatory
Minimum Amount of Deposit BDT 1,00,000/-
Tenor 1 (One) year, 2 (Two) years, 3 (Three) years, 4 (Four) & 5 (Five) years.
ISR Different ISR rate depends on deposit amount & tenor
16. Mudarabah NFC Term Deposit Account


Introduction Mudarabah NFC Term Deposit Account is a profit bearing time deposit account for non-resident Bangladeshi which can be opened with foreign currencies for a period of 1/3/6/12 months. 
  • Category A: All non-resident Bangladesh nationals and persons of Bangladesh origin including those having dual nationality.
  • Category B: Bangladesh nationals serving with Embassies/High Commissions of Bangladesh in foreign countries as also the officers/staff of the Government/semi Government departments/ nationalized banks and employees.
  • Category C: Foreign nationals and companies/firms registered and/or incorporated abroad, banks, other financial
  • Age 18+ for Category A & B
Nature of Account Time Deposit
  •  The accounts can be maintained in US dollar, pound sterling, Euro or Japanese yen;
  •  Accounts may be opened against remittances in other convertible currencies after conversion of those
Minimum Amount for Opening Account  Category A & B: minimum amount of US$ 1000 or pound sterling 500 or equivalent.
Category C : The minimum amount of US$ 25,000 or its equivalent in pound sterling, Euro or Japanese yen.
17. Mudarabah NRB Term Deposit


Eligibility/Target Customer
  • Only Non-Resident Bangladeshis (NRBs)
  • 18 years & above who have been serving abroad will be eligible.
Nature of Account Time Deposit 
Period of Bond  3 (Three), 5 (Five) and 10 (Ten) Years.
Values/ Denominations i) Tk. 25,000 ii) Tk. 50,000 iii) Tk. 1,00,000 iv) Tk. 2,00,000 v) Tk. 5,00,000 and (vi) Tk. 10,00,000
Linked Account Mandatory
Income Sharing Ratio Different ISR rate depends on deposit amount & tenor
18. Mudarabah Hajj Deposit Scheme


  • Citizen/Resident of Bangladesh
  • Age minimum 18 years
  • Account may be opened on behalf of a minor by his / her natural/legal guardian.
Nature of Account Scheme Deposit.
Tenor 3 (Three), 5 (Five) and 10 (Ten) Years.
Profit accrual and Payable Profit will be calculated/accrued on the daily product basis and will be credited on half yearly basis.
Income Sharing Ratio Different ISR rate depends on deposit amount & tenor
19. Mudarabah Bibaho Deposit Scheme


Eligibility An adult male or female person of sound mind and national of Bangladesh may open MDARABAH BIBAHO DEPOSIT SCHEME in his/her name. However, if a male Account holder withdraws money for the purpose of payment of Mohor to his wife, he must provide marriage document like ‘Kabin Nama’.
Nature of Account Scheme Deposit.
Tenor 3 (Three), 5 (Five) and 10 (Ten) Years.
Income Sharing Ratio Different ISR rate depends on deposit amount & tenor
20. Mudarabah Mohor Deposit Scheme 


Eligibility  A married Muslim male person, for the purpose of payment of unpaid portion Mohor amount, will open MUDARABAH MOHOR DEPOSIT SCHEME in the name of his wife having sound mind and minimum 18 years of age and a citizen of Bangladesh providing marriage document like KABIN NAMA.
Nature of Account Scheme Deposit.
Mode of Operation  Singly by the Account holder (wife) but Specimen signatures of both the Husband and the wife shall have to be Obtained on the Signature Card
Tenor 3 (Three), 5 (Five) and 10 (Ten) Years.
Income Sharing Ratio Different ISR rate depends on deposit amount & tenor
21. Mudarabah Deposit Premium Scheme


Eligibility/Target Customer
  • Citizen/Resident of Bangladesh
  • Age minimum 18 years
  • Account may be opened on behalf of a minor by his/her natural/legal guardian.
Nature of Account Scheme Deposit.
Link Account Mandatory
Tenor 3 (Three), 5 (Five) and 10 (Ten) Years.
Income Sharing Ratio Different ISR rate depends on deposit amount & tenor
22.  Mudarabah Business DPS


Introduction Mudarabah Business DPS is a very lucrative savings plan for non-individuals clients based on Mudarabah principle of Islamic Shari’ah. 
  • SME and Corporate segmented customers
  • Having Current Account with MGBL with updated KYC
Nature of Account Scheme Account 
Tenor 3 Years, 5 Years, 7 Years & 10 Years
Minimum Amount for Opening Account Any multiple of BDT 5,000 but not exceeding BDT 5,00,000 
Individual/Joint Applicant Option  This account cannot be opened jointly.
Income Sharing Ratio Income Sharing Ratio to be fixed by ALCO from time to time.
23.Mudarabah Waqf Deposit Account


Eligibility/Target Customer
  • Citizen/Resident of Bangladesh
  • Age minimum 18 years
  • Account may be opened on behalf of a minor by his/her natural/legal guardian. 
Nature of Account Scheme Deposit.
Tenor 3 (Three), 5 (Five) and 10 (Ten) Years.
Profit accrual and Payable Profit will be calculated/accrued on the daily product basis and will be credited on half yearly basis.
Income Sharing Ratio Different ISR rate depends on deposit amount & tenor

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