Waste and Recycling

You need a financing provider that can give you an edge — one that has a keen understanding of your industry, and the various environmental regulations. 

Whether you’re looking for financing to import/purchase equipment, renovate facilities, or expand your operations, Meghna Bank can provide the products and services you need and to help your waste and recycling company succeed. We serve companies that involve business with: Waste to energy projects, Recycling industries (ferrous, non-ferrous, paper, and plastics), Oil field waste collection and disposal, Hazardous waste collection, treatment, and disposal, Air pollution control, Water treatment, Environmental engineering etc.

Our bankers live, work, and serve in the same communities as you. They take the time to get to know you, your business operations, and your priorities. And, they’re empowered to share every advantage of collective resources Meghna Bank can offer.

Common Services that we offer are following but extended to tailored products as per project need:

  • Working capital financing
  • Equipment financing
  • Facilities upgrade and site expansion financing
  • Asset-based lending
  • Revolving lines of credit, and term loans
  • Cross border trade financing, Standby Letter of Credit etc.

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