Rasheq Rahman

Mr. Rasheq Rahman is a known face in the social, political and business arena of Bangladesh. He is involved with several financial institutes of Bangladesh. His professional details are given below: 1) Sponsor, Meghna Bank PLC. A private commercial bank under the license of Central Bank of Bangladesh currently having 47 Branches allover Bangladesh. 2) Managing Partner & CEO, Software Solutions and Logistics Enterprise. A value added service provider and application developer for Grameen Phone, (a Telenor Enterprise), Robi (Docomo & TMIB Enterprise), Bangla Link (AN Orascom Enterprise) and City Cell (A Singtel Enterprise). 3) Director, Bangladesh Consortium Limited. A construction company engaged in local and International construction work. 4) Managing Director of Buraq Express (Bangladesh) Limited. CNG Conversion Facility. 5) Managing Director of Buraq International Limited. A countrywide distribution company. 6) Managing Partner, Buraq Commodities Exchange Co. An authorized Gold Dealer license holder approved by Bangladesh Bank- The Central Bank of Bangladesh. 7) Director, Trade X Securities Ltd. Trading Right Entitlement Certificate (TREC) holder of Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited (DSE). 8) Managing Director, GenVac (BD) Limited. 9) Director, North West Zone Power Distribution Company Limited.

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